Monday, June 6, 2011

Vivian is on two wheels now!!

I have been dreaming of family bike riding for many years. I taught Erica how to ride on two wheel last July, I have been trying to convince Vivian to learn it but with no success, she kept telling me that she's not ready until yesterday... It was late Sunday afternoon and I still had some energy, I asked Vivian if she wanted to learn riding on two wheels, she agreed to go without any hesitation. I remember last year it took Erica approximately 20 minutes to learn, Vivian was able to ride freely by herself in about 20 minutes too, I was so happy! I think towards the end of the summer, both Erica and Vivian will need to have new and fancy bikes!

My poor legs were so sore this morning after all those running after Vivian yesterday... Again, I'm out of shape!

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