Monday, June 13, 2011

Erica's new bike!

Erica has way outgrown her old 16" bike and it's time for her to get a new bike and pass her old bike to her little sister who just learned how to ride a two wheeler a week ago. Erica picked a beautiful 2011 20" Giant "Bella" which she absolutely loves!

Little Vivian is also very happy about her "new" bike, we have installed a new bottle holder and will get her a set of new black tires because Erica has already worn out the old set of white tires by "drifting" too much! Maybe we will add a basket or something to customize Vivian's "new" ride.

I really love the quality of Vivian that she never complains about inheriting Erica's old toys, old clothes and shoes, she simply said "we take turns"!

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