Saturday, September 26, 2009

A fun afternoon at Malibu beach

We totally forgot about the Chinese school this morning... The girls didn't seem to care that much, they were all excited about the planned trip to Malibu...

It was a short but beautiful drive from home to Malibu at around noon. It was 97 degrees F at Thousand Oaks but cools down rapidly towards the end of Malibu Canyon Road before PCH, it felt more like in the high 70s and it was super foggy. We dropped off at the Jakks Pacific and gave the girls a tour of daddy's new workplace, they were very impressed with the new development of Girls Gourmet and Hello Kitty product lines! After a quick bite at the McDonnal's, we walked across PCH and headed to the Malibu Pier/Beach. We saw some people fishing at the pier and lots of people swimming and surfing at the beach. The water as not too cold and the girls were soaked from head to toes!

After showers at the beach, we walked back to the McDonnal's, the girls had chocolate dipped ice-cream cones and daddy had an iced coffee. The girls were exhausted, both slept all the way on the ride back home.

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