Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday dinner at Panda

It's Friday evening, we went to the girls' favorite Chinese food place for dinner. Erica loves her Chow Mien as always and Mei mei loves fried rice with Teriyaki sauce, both ate a lot. An hour at Target after dinner was fun, checked out the Halloween stuff and picked up some snacks. After showers, the girls did some drawings and read a book: "A Book About Erica Lee by her 1st Grade Friends". They each had a Ding Dong and a glass of milk, brushed their teeth and head to the bed (daddy & mommy's bed).

This week went by so quick. Everyday was very routine and uneventful for all three of us. The alarm went off at 6:30, I got up at 6:40, the girls got up at around 7, dropped off Vivian at 7:45, dropped Erica at Westlake Hills at 8:00, arrived work by 8:45, left work at 4:15, picked up Erica by 5, picked up Vivian by 5:15, both girls bedtime for the week was before 8:45 and my bedtime is always 1am. Tonight the girls stayed up till 10:30, maybe we can sleep in a little tomorrow morning...

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