Sunday, September 27, 2009

Girls new toys

The legendary F2A+MD2+MB1 (5lbs) & F3+MD4 (4lbs) are the girls latest toys!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A fun afternoon at Malibu beach

We totally forgot about the Chinese school this morning... The girls didn't seem to care that much, they were all excited about the planned trip to Malibu...

It was a short but beautiful drive from home to Malibu at around noon. It was 97 degrees F at Thousand Oaks but cools down rapidly towards the end of Malibu Canyon Road before PCH, it felt more like in the high 70s and it was super foggy. We dropped off at the Jakks Pacific and gave the girls a tour of daddy's new workplace, they were very impressed with the new development of Girls Gourmet and Hello Kitty product lines! After a quick bite at the McDonnal's, we walked across PCH and headed to the Malibu Pier/Beach. We saw some people fishing at the pier and lots of people swimming and surfing at the beach. The water as not too cold and the girls were soaked from head to toes!

After showers at the beach, we walked back to the McDonnal's, the girls had chocolate dipped ice-cream cones and daddy had an iced coffee. The girls were exhausted, both slept all the way on the ride back home.

Friday, September 25, 2009

11:05pm in daddy & mommy's bed

Sweet dreams...

Friday dinner at Panda

It's Friday evening, we went to the girls' favorite Chinese food place for dinner. Erica loves her Chow Mien as always and Mei mei loves fried rice with Teriyaki sauce, both ate a lot. An hour at Target after dinner was fun, checked out the Halloween stuff and picked up some snacks. After showers, the girls did some drawings and read a book: "A Book About Erica Lee by her 1st Grade Friends". They each had a Ding Dong and a glass of milk, brushed their teeth and head to the bed (daddy & mommy's bed).

This week went by so quick. Everyday was very routine and uneventful for all three of us. The alarm went off at 6:30, I got up at 6:40, the girls got up at around 7, dropped off Vivian at 7:45, dropped Erica at Westlake Hills at 8:00, arrived work by 8:45, left work at 4:15, picked up Erica by 5, picked up Vivian by 5:15, both girls bedtime for the week was before 8:45 and my bedtime is always 1am. Tonight the girls stayed up till 10:30, maybe we can sleep in a little tomorrow morning...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Amy & Cynthia's Birthday Party

It was a fun afternoon at Amy & Cynthia's 6th Birthday Party at Monarch National Gym Center in Newbury Park... Erica met some old buddies from Pinecrest like Caitlyn S, Cynthia, Amy, Tori, Madelyn, Katelyn, even her pre-school classmate Emily showed up! Good food and fun gymnastic activities with lots of cool real equipment! We definitely will revisit the place again!


Picked up this fun stuff at the Jo-Ann's yesterday. It's an instant hit for the girls! The AquaGems grew from approximately 1.5mm diameter to about 14mm diameter in 5-6 hours in the water! Now we got tons of those hydrated AquaGems and don't know what to do with them!

Sunday morning with daddy

Mommy is in Hong Kong for business this week. The girls are with daddy all week! Yeah! We started the first morning without mommy having breakfast at the local donut shop. Did some grocery shopping and on the way back home, we had a tour at the construction site of our neighbor: The Conejo Valley Islamic Center. This is the 1st time for the girls to get so close to the heavy construction machines, they were super excited!

Labor Day Getaway

First time visited the theme park... We got a real good package deal on Knott's Berry Farm Resort Hotel for the Labor Day weekend. The weather was great and girls had tons of fun at the pool and in the park! Highly recommended for families with younger kids to go!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Erica turns 6 today!

Happy Birthday sweetie! Can't believe you are already 6!

Mei-mei's new toy

It makes my face look real funny, it changes sound of my songs, I can play with my Nintendogs, my Baby Girl... I can make Mario jump real high. I love when my eyes go shinny in Cooking Mama and Gardening Mama... Erica and I send messages and drawings to each other from different rooms... I love my new DSi!