Monday, June 10, 2013

A warm weekend up in the mountain

This was probably the warmest weekend we spent at the cabin! On Saturday, there was hardly any wind and the temperature was almost unbearable hot at night in the rooms. Helen and Erica slept on couches in the living room, Vivian and I slept in the girls room with the fan turned on. Sunday was a lot better with nice cool breeze. Helen and I spent an hour or so to clean the windows in the morning. After a quick bite for lunch, we went to the lake fishing again, Erica was able to use the new fishing pole we got for her, they caught total of 4 fish and they were so excited! After that, I took the girls to swim for an hour before taking shower and got ready to leave. We had dinner at Sam Woo,Van Nuys and did some grocery shopping at Ranch 99, we got home at around 8:15pm.

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