Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Greatest Show on Earth- Ringling Brothers Circus

Paul & Judy San invited our family and Chen family to see the Ringling Brothers Circus show this afternoon! We met up at the Empress Pavilion Chinese Restaurant for dimsum, the food was so so compared to the rest of the Chinese restaurants in the San Gabriel Valley... We arrived the Staple Center before 3pm and Paul's company reserved a nice suite on the 3rd floor. The two-hour show started at 3:30pm, it was the girls' first time watching the circus show, lots of tigers, horses and elephants playing tricks. There were heart stopping stunt shows, gymnastics, clowns and pyrotechnics... Everybody had a fun time!! After the show, we went to Garden Cafe at San Gabriel Valley for dinner, then we went grocery shopping before head back home.

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