Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thousand Oaks Chinese School

We let the girls attend the Chinese school this school year. It's kindergarten level Chinese classes every Saturday morning from 11am till 12:30pm. We hoped to let the girls learn some basic Chinese pronunciations and vocabularies, most importantly we hope to create some interests for them to learn the Chinese language... They have been in the classes for 4 weekends, Erica seems okay with the classes but Vivian is just not enthusiastic about it, she's always bored in the class. Most students attending the class are from Mandarin speaking families and they already understand the speaking language. Our girls have extremely limited Mandarin language background and can not relate themselves to the language... I think the teaching method in this specific class does not fit the girls well. While letting them continue to attend the classes, I think I've a much better plan for them to learn Mandarin, I'll put in some efforts and teach them from ground zero at the home front...

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