Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter break

It's been over a month that we haven't been to our cabin due to busy schedule... We made it this weekend and got there on Saturday afternoon, it was quite cold in the mountain and the weather forecast said it has 80% change that it will snow on Tuesday! We had Korean BBQ for dinner in the cabin and the girls went to their room and watched an old movie "ET". Sunday continued to be a chilly day, the girls had Easter egg hunt at the park in the afternoon and found quite a few egg goodies. On our way home, we stopped by Mongolian BBQ in Simi Valley and had a great dinner. Mommy went back to work on Monday and daddy spent another day with the girls. After spending an hour or so started new tortoise summer house project, daddy took the girls to see the movie "Cinderella", it was a beautiful movie and everyone enjoyed it.

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