Monday, July 21, 2014

Camping at Malibu Creek State Park

It's been 5 years since we last went camping. We had reserved a site a month and half ago and planned to go camping with Chen's family. It was a beautiful Friday afternoon (July 18th), both families arrived at around 6pm. The girls helped and set up the tents quickly. Katelyn's dad prepared delicious sausage spaghetti and beef Fajitas for dinner, we grilled a bunch of BBQ beef and chicken on the stick to share. The girls made some S'mores and played with fire at the fire pit after dark, we went hiking in the dark after that, it was a lot of fun! We all slept well at night, Chien cooked up sausages, eggs and bacon strips for breakfast, we all made breakfast burritos with it! We went hiking for a couple of hours, the girls had fun at the pond and got all wet! We packed up the stuff and left the site at noon, drove to a nearby McDonald's for lunch before heading home.

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