Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Good bye Corta Bella Condo!

3 more days till the close of escrow... I took the girls to our old condo for the final visit, lots of sweet memories from that place... I bought the unit in June of 1999 when I was still single, got married 3 years later and had Erica an year after that, 17 months later we had Vivian. The girls grew up in the condo, my parents also spent a lot of time living with us in the condo. We moved to a bigger house in the same city in October of 2011 and we rented the unit out for an year before listing it for sale last month. We are very lucky to receive an offer of our full asking price 3 days after we listed property. A couple in their 30s with two girls will enjoy this beautiful home for many years to come.

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