Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring break 2013 (Part 1) Visiting Perry's family

We didn't go to Canada this Spring break, instead we made a four day trip to visit Sacramento, Yosemite National Park and Sequoia National Park.

The trip started on Saturday the 23rd. We left home at around 8:30am and stopped by Starbucks for breakfast in Oxnard. Helen drove all the way to Atascadero, a small city in San Luis Obispo County. We had buffet lunch in a Chinese restaurant, food was cheap and tasted so so but we were not expecting too much being in the middle of nowhere. We made another stop at Gilroy and did some shopping at the outlet mall before our scheduled arrival at my high school buddy Perry's house in Fremont before 6pm. Our girls instantly made connection with Perry's kids Nat and Jon, they had lots of fun shooting each other with Nerf guns! Perry the chef made delicious dinner for us, we had scallop, tofu, fried rice, salmon sashimi and steaks! Too bad that Anita wasn't home due to her business trip to China. We stayed till 10pm and drove to Tracy and stayed a night there.

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