Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Relatives visit from Shanghai!

It's been almost a month now since I last posted something here, it's been a hectic month!
Last Saturday we have relatives visiting from Shanghai. My uncle, auntie & cousin Jiahao's family came to Southern California. They are spending 12 day here visiting Southern & Northern California. The family stayed three nights at our house, done a lot of shopping at the Camarillo outlets on Sunday. We let them use our van and this morning they took off and headed to Northern California. They will be visiting the coastal towns, Monterey Bay, San Francisco, Sacramento, Yosemite, Mono Lake, Orange County and San Diego in a week and half. They will return to our house next Wednesday night and head back to Shanghai on Thursday.

It was so great to see my uncle, auntie and cousin Jiahao's family. Last time when I saw my cousin was 30 years ago during my trip to Ma-an-shan with three of my college classmates!

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