Sunday, June 3, 2012

Last Sunday before Hong Kong trip

We invited Mr. Chen & Mr. Leo's families over for dinner last night. Helen prepared 4 dishes of authentic Chinese food with a pot of Chicken soup. Kids had cheese and pepperoni pizza, popcorn & watched a movie Charlotte's Web, Jennifer & Katelyn had a great time with our girls, everybody stayed till 10:00pm and had a great time. This morning we went to the Camarillo Outlet and bought 4 more Coach bags and 3 pairs of Levi's Jeans for gifts, Helen will bring to Hong Kong on our trip this coming Saturday. We probably will buy a few cases of fresh strawberries this Friday and hand carry to Hong Kong too. It's a nice Sunday afternoon, we went to Sam Woo for lunch, did grocery shopping at Ranch 99 and came home, took the girls out for a 45 minutes bike ride in the neighborhood, ate leftover pizza for dinner, this sums up a relaxing Sunday.

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