Sunday, February 26, 2012

1st time to the NHM of LA County

We finally made it to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County this morning! This is the 2nd museum we've visited after getting the NHM annual family member passes. The girls have never been to any Natural History Museum before so it was a wonderful experience for them! It's a big museum, we had only managed to visit several exhibits: North American Mammals, Birds, Dinosaurs, Discovery Center and Gems & Minerals. We will go back to the NHM in a few months to visit the African Mammals, Shells, Insects and other exhibits. We are planning to visit the William S. Hart Museum in Newhall in the next couple of weeks.

After visiting the museum, we went to the Garden Cafe in San Gabriel for a late lunch, then we went to Julia's office in Covina and finished up the 2011 tax preparation, after that, we went to Alhambra grocery shopping before head back home.

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