Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas card 2011 photo shoot

The annual letter is 90% done and we were shooting picture for the greeting card this evening after dinner. We've picked a nice picture of the girls sitting in front of the fireplace in the family room for this years greeting card. You have to wait to see that picture in the mail but here is a picture of Erica posting on the couch in the family room. We have done the card design on, 75 printed cards will be ready to be picked up by tomorrow noon! We will print the letters and send all cards with letters out by this weekend!

We had a really fun weekend! Bonnie/Danny, Helena/Henry & Benny/Linda's families came to visit us on Saturday! They were the first group of visitors we invited to the new house, everybody had fun and we had a great dinner! We have invited Dudee/Chen. Judy/Paul's families plus our realtor Gaye's family over for dinner next Sunday. We will then invite a couple of our old neighbors Pat and Judy over for afternoon tea on the following weekend, then Julia's family before Christmas, Mike & Mari after the holidays...

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