Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sledding fun at the Nordic Base

We have missed the sledding fun last Sunday due to Erica's visit to the ER. This weekend the girls had a fun morning sledding at the Nordic Base! Snow was very thick and there were not a lot of people there, the girls tried out their new sleds we got from the sellers on the Craigslist this past summer!

Also posted a couple group pictures of our guests who visited and stayed with us at our cabin last weekend.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

An unexpected trip to the ER from the mountain on Sunday morning

It was a fun packed weekend with Bonnie & Helena's family at our cabin over the weekend. Shortly after Erica woke up at 4am Sunday morning to go to bathroom, she came to our bed and complaint about cramping feeling inside her chest, the pain didn't go away and I found her heart rate was high... We took her to the fire station near our cabin and 3 firefighters checked on her, as precautionary measure, the firefighter call for ambulance from Frazier Park. The ambulance arrived in 1/2 hour, the paramedic checked Erica out and her condition has improved. Just to have a peace of mind, we decided to send her to the hospital to have a more complete check up. It was 1 hour 15 minute ride to go to the Henry Mayo Hospital in Santa Clarita, since it's early Sunday morning, there were only few patients in the ER so Erica got some attention very quickly. They have performed EKG and took an X-ray picture for her, result came back in 1/2 hour and everything was normal. The doctor told us that it maybe due to acid reflux... The ordeal was over in the early Sunday morning and the doctor discharged Erica at around 9am.