Sunday, November 17, 2013

Fall photo shoot at PMC

It's Sunday afternoon at PMC near the lake, The natural lighting was not perfect but I managed to snap some pictures to capture the mood of Fall at PMC. I save the best shot of the girls for the Christmas card.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ugly school pictures 2013!

Received the picture sample from the school picture day, we went online and found this two ugly picture of the girls, check them out!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

First time to the ball game!

Every year Mrs. Lewinson's class and Mrs. Anderson's class have opportunity to get two free tickets for each kid to the college football game. Vivian was excited about this for over a month and she really wanted daddy to take her to the game and enjoy the event with her best friends. The game was UCLA vs Colorado University at Rose Bowl. We arrived there at around 3:30pm and the kick off started at 4:30pm, it was a very exciting game and we all had tons of fun!