Sunday, July 29, 2012

Santa Paula Citrus Balloon Festival

It's the annual Santa Paula Citrus Balloon Festival over the weekend. We drove the van took Grace & Ricky's family with us to visit the event. It's a great family event with all kinds of entertainment: Live music, rides, mini air show, car show, vendors and of course the hot air balloons. We met Chen & Dudee's family there too and all 4 girls had a great fun day over there. Here are some pictures to share with you.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Removal of Gazebo & Jacuzzi

It's been 9 months since we moved in, it's time to get rid of the ugly gazebo and jacuzzi that came with our house in the backyard. Three Spa Removers workers came in at 10am, two hours later, the whole thing was gone! $475 was very well spent. We will spend tomorrow morning cleaning up the dangling plants on the wall, then we want to start thinking what to build on that empty spot.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Swimming lessons

Two more lessons left and the girls are swimming very well, I asked the Erica & Vivan's instructors and they said both girls will be promoted to the next level.  We will enroll them for another two weeks session after this session is over. Vivian will be in Otter class and Erica will be in Stingray class in the next session After they've mastered their swimming skills a little better, we will take them to the waterparks for some fun time before the school starts.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Saturday afternoon fun at the pool

It's a typical Southern California Saturday afternoon in the summer, 19 degrees C and sunny. Took the girls to the Newbury Park high school swimming pool. The pool is open to the community every Saturday from 12:30pm - 3:30pm, $2 per person to get in. We are going to sign the girls up for summer swimming lessons from next Monday, 2 weeks 8 classes from 5:55pm to 6:30pm, Monday through Thursday, only $62 per person. Erica will be enrolled to the Otter class and Vivian will be enrolled to the Dolphin class.