Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tortoises at the front lawn

We hit the gold pot this afternoon when we went to pick up a wrought iron/ glass side table we found on the Craigslist, a family sold their luxury home in Simi Valley and moving to Hawaii, they have got lots of nice home decors for sale and we bought a bunch of them for a fraction of the price, we will post more pictures in coming days and you will see them here!

The girls took out the tortoise and let them walk at our front lawn...

Sunday morning, Vivian is fully recharged!

Vivian burned out all her energy yesterday afternoon at around 5:30pm, fell in sleep in mommy's arms while we were shopping, didn't wake up, skipped dinner, slept till 6:28am this morning, fully energized for a new day!

Over the weekend, we have installed the new TV in the family room, built the TV stand and put up the old TV in our master bedroom, the curtains were also installed in our living room, things are looking quite good now after all the hard work...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Jacuzzi fun time!

Just a little fun time for the girls before bedtime...

Hot pot dinner

First hot pot dinner this year.... Helen prepared some simple food the girls like and they ate a lot tonight! Time for Jacuzzi after a little TV time.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving morning...

It's Thanksgiving morning, we have called Benny's family and are planning a lunch get together at Garden Cafe in San Gabriel, most restaurants and stores are closed here in Ventura county.

We are moving along very well on our new house. The girls rooms are done, just installed curtains in the dining room, will be putting on curtains in the living room this weekend. A brand new 55" LED TV will be delivered tomorrow and we will be buying a TV stand to set up a LCD TV in the master bedroom this weekend too...

We will be hosting a party to invite our friends over next weekend! More pictures to show, stay tuned.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Girls' rooms

The girls' rooms are now furnished and both are happy to see their favorite dolls on displays again and now they both their own computers and telephones. Still working on installing a couple magnetic boards for each of them, the girls are happy to call them their rooms!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Same as last year, we gathered at Shirly's house in Westlake Village for dinner before going out trick or treating. Since this year's Halloween was on Monday, the gathering group is smaller. When the kids were out in the streets, we found less homes had their lights on... The girls still managed to collect some of their favorite candies.