Monday, September 26, 2011

Fun days with daddy (part 3)

The week went by very smoothly, I thanked the girls for being so cooperative... It's Saturday morning, daddy took the girls to Best Buy to check out some new electronic goodies and did some research on the French door bottom freezer fridge that mommy wanted and the high-end speakers for the sound system that daddy was dreaming about... The girls' favorite spots of course were at the video game consoles and the ipad2, I peeked over their shoulders and snapped a couple funny shots while they were messing with their self-portraits on the ipad2.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fun days with daddy (part 2)

It's around noon on Sunday, Vivian wanted to help out preparing lunch, she wanted to do everything by herself so I let her... She cut up the tofu and snow peas, I let her started up the stove fire, pour cooking oil, stir fry... She made the egg drop soup with corn. She was very proud of her cooking and wanted to teach Erica how to cook.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fun days with daddy (part 1)

Mommy went to Hong Kong/ China for business last night and daddy is spending the next nine days with the girls.
It's Saturday, after a good night of sleep, we all got up at 8, the girls made their "moon-side down" and "hotdog man" for breakfast... We had a home inspection our new home with Ed and Gaye this morning at 10, we got there first before Ed and Gaye showed up but the roof people were working, 90% done! I spent the entire 2.5 hours with Ed while he was checking out every little detail of the house. Ed said the home was extremely well built and everything in the house is working properly. After the inspection, I took the girls to the KC furniture in Oxnard, I haven't been there for 6 years, KC was there and his dad Chuck was on vacation... They have lots of cool stuff and the prices were good, we will go there with mommy again once we got settled in the new home. We went on to the Pacific View Mall in Ventura after that, the girls had a lot of fun over there... We went to daddy & Erica's favorite hommytown for dinner, surprisingly it was suggested by Vivian this time! Both girls got tired and went to bed at 10 tonight...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The day before Santa Monica Toy Fair 2011

A busy day at work in the showrooms for daddy and a very fun day for the girls fooling around in the showrooms! I don't really think we are anywhere close to finishing the set up for the Toy Fair but we are trying out best...

Honoring the Heroes of 9/11

On the last day of preparing for the toy fair, I took the girls to the office. On the way to work we passed the Pepperdine University. Today is September 11th, it's the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorists attacks on the United States, there is a 10th anniversary rememberance event honoring the heroes of 9/11 at the campus lawn. There are a lot of news media trucks and law enforcement vehicles parked there, we were lucky to find a parking spot and went there to see the preparation of the event which I believe will happen in the afternoon sometime.

Can't believe it's been 10 years, it was just like yesterday! Helen and I were vacationing in New England after her graduation from Cal State, we took the 2nd flight in the morning on United Airline from Boston Logan Airport back to LAX after the vacation, it was a week before the 9/11 attacks! One of the plane that the terrorists hijacked and crashed into one of the WTC towers was United Fight 175, first flight in the day en route from Boston to Los Angeles, it was unbelievable.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day late afternoon at the Oaks Mall

It's Labor Day... Daddy spent the majority of the day at work, building models for the upcoming toy fair... It must be very hot in LA, on my way home, I saw the parking lots at the beaches from Santa Monica all the way to Malibu were all packed, there were so many people hanging out at the beaches! The girls were shopping at the Oaks Mall with mommy in the afternoon. Daddy dropped by the mall and spent some fun time with the girls.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Erica is 8 years old!

September 3 is Erica's birthday, she just turned 8! We started the day with house hunting with our realtor Gaye, first stop at 2115 Mapleleaf Ave, then we went to Knollwood and Angeline... Girls got bored quickly, we ended up making an offer for the Mapleleaf house, we will find out in a couple of days... After that, we went to buy a couple of outfits for the girls at Kohls... We did the same thing in the evening, we went to Todai Buffet in Woodland Hills for dinner, everybody ate a lot of food, Erica had a wonderful day!