Tuesday, August 31, 2010

2 days with daddy at work

Mommy is in the orient for a week for business and the girls still have 2 days before school starts. They have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time and both were extremely excited about spending 2 entire days with daddy at work! It was Monday and Tuesday after returning from a week of vacation, tons of things need to be taken care in the office. I was so grateful to Marty, Moxie & Micky's help to keep both girls super busy for 2 full days! Erica and Vivian were so involved with making Minilicious food, drawing, eating M&Ms, socializing with designers who design their favorite characters like Pinkalicious, Disney Fairies, Hello Kitty... It was hard to get them out of the office at the end of the days. The girls burned up all their energy during the day, they slept all the way from Santa Monica to home on both days! Here I'm posting a few shots taken during lunch break at McDonald's & Carl's Jr. We had a walk to the Water Garden after lunch today.

Tomorrow will be their 1st day back to school, backpacks and lunches are all packed, it's going to be a very busy morning...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ronald Reagan Library

We've spent a good chunk of afternoon time yesterday taken care of our Simi property, the trip to the Reagan Library was postponed till today...
It's much cooler today, even in Simi Valley, the daytime temperature was in low 70s, that's over 30 degrees cooler than the weather 2 day ago! We prepared some sandwiches, chips and drinks for lunch and drove 20 minutes to the Reagan Library, there were over a dozen picnic tables right next to the parking lot. It's quite windy up there, good thing that girls had their jackets. After a quick bite to eat, we were all ready for the visit. The facility is currently under construction for a huge upcoming event/ exhibition. We went to visit the Oval Office, get on board the Air Force One, checked out the Marine One, the museum store, Reagan's grave site... we really like the new coffee shop and the girls had some ice cream. The motorcycle exhibition was cool too... Daddy had a great time with the girls while mommy went to China for business.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Legoland & Water Park

Our 2nd stop was Legoland & the new water park. We drove down to Oceanside late evening after returning from Las Vegas, stayed a night there. We were at the gate next morning a little pass ten. This was the girls 2nd visit to the park, we were last there 3 years ago... The girls were able to get on many rides in the park. Their most favorite was of course the new water park! Water sides, lazy river, sand pool... The weather was so nice there and we stayed close to 6pm before leaving the park, we had a big dinner at the TGIF before head back home.

Tahiti & M Resort at Las Vegas

Both girls are confident swimmers after couple months swimming at the local Y! There's only a little over a week before the girls start school, we took a weeks off and took the girls to check out some fancy pools and the water park. Our first stop is a 3 day 2 night trip to Las Vegas. We stayed at the Tahiti Spa & Resort and the new M Resort & Casino. Awesome hotel rooms and pools! We had so much fun and we definitely want to go back again!

Ventura Aquatic Center

Erica was sick on the day their summer camp class had a field trip to the Aquatic Center in Ventura, we took the girls there the following Sunday... It's always sunny down here in Southern California but the weather was much cooler than we were expecting that day and it was quite windy, the girls spent a fun couple of hours there.