Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday afternoon at the Oaks

We've been invited to Caitlyn San's 7th birthday party at the Moorpark College teaching zoo. The girls had lots of fun meeting some old friends and enjoyed a delicious lunch. After the party, we went to the Oaks and the girls were acting as models for daddy again... This time, daddy was testing his new Micro 4/3 camera and the result was excellent! Check out a few pictures taken at the mall...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

More testing on daddy's new toys

After testing the E-PL1 and 5D, daddy took the girls to the Peppertree Park in the late afternoon and test out the new Fz-28 with it's Leica Vario-Elmarit. While it's 720 HD video was less impressive than the ZS-3, it's still images are very sharp at all focal lengths, colors are vivid too. By the way, both girls had their hair permed 1st time couple weeks ago!

Testing daddy's new toys...

Daddy was in the camera shopping spree last few weeks... Besides over a dozen of different digital point & shoots and DSLRs we already have, we now have full-frame and Micro 4/3 cameras with lots of very nice lenses! Daddy has done some candid shots with his new E-PL1 and 5D with his two favorite models and the result was stunning, more photo sessions must be scheduled with his two supermodels!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mommy's Day!

It's Mother's Day Sunday! We didn't do anything specific to celebrate because everyday is the Mother's Day in our hearts.
Erica's school had a Mother's Day Program on Friday early afternoon, all mothers and grand mothers were invited. The class sang 7 songs to celebrate the Mother's Day. Both girls brought home arts and crafts that they have made in their schools specially for their mom, it was very sweet!