Saturday, August 29, 2009

Breakfast at the patio

Wanna share some Reese's Puffs cereal with us? It's so yummy!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm a 1st grader now!

... Summer camp at Pinecrest School ended last week. She was with mommy at work in the past 3 days, waiting for this big day to come... 1st day as a 1st grader!

She enrolled in one of the best public schools in our area, Westlake Hills Elementary at Westlake Village! School starts at 8:25am, lunch from 11:30am-12:30pm and school ends at 2:45pm. She also got in district's before and after school childcare service.

The first day went so well... Classroom #15, her teacher is Mrs. Hernandez, 21 1st graders in the class. She is the only Chinese girl in the room.

Daddy and mommy are so proud of you Erica! You are a 1st grader now!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

An unexpected Hong Kong trip

An unexpected two-week family trip to Hong Kong in August has brought the girls a lot of memorable experiences. This was Erica's 4th time and Vivian's 3rd time flying across the Pacific Ocean. However, it was the 1st time for them to experience the extreme hot weather, the heavy downpour, thunder & lightening and the Typhoon. Playing with cousins, nephew and nieces was fun. Visits to the Hong Kong Disneyland, Noah's Ark & the Ocean Park. Delicious foods and drinks at local eateries. Beautiful shoes and cute outfits from daddy & mommy. Countless presents and goodies from uncles and aunties... On the night before the end of the trip, both has expressed that they want to stay in Hong Kong for good!

The best buddies

They tell on each other, they blame on each other, they yell at each other, they even kick each other's butts when they can't settle things with words. But most of the time, they play with each other, they laugh at each other, they share food with each other, they tell jokes to each other... Daddy feels so sweet to see his little girls interact with each other so well.

Sunday afternoon at the park...

So nice to spend an hour or so with my cuties at a local park on a beautiful Sunday afternoon... Watch them play and laugh, hear their screams... Enjoying every single moment, remembering when I was little kid, spending fun times at the parks...