Monday, June 22, 2015

BBQ at Bonnie & Danny's house


After coming to our cabin, the party continues at Bonnie & Danny's house! Another round of Korean BBQ! Fun gathering and great food!

Erica & Vivian's Dentist Appointment


Erica scored 88% and Vivian scored 100%



We have invited Bonnie & Helena's family over to our cabin this weekend for Korean BBQ. As usual, we enjoyed the company and had lots of delicious food. Kids had fun at the pool.

Erica's Open House @ Colina Middle School


It's Erica's 1st end of school year (Grade 6) open house at Colina Middle School! Lovely display of students' work. Erica has learned so much this year and she is adapting to middle school very well! Erica has been working very hard throughout the school year and we are all very proud that she has earned honor roll this year!

Vivian's 4th grade class open house


It's Vivian's end of 4th grade open house, she has done lot's of beautiful school projects in the class throughout the school year. We are so happy to see Vivian's progress! Here are some pictures to share.