Monday, August 27, 2012

Late afternoon picnic at the Conejo Community Park

It's been at least 3 years since we last went to the Conejo Community Park. Dudee & Chen's family invited four families to a potluck picnic gathering at the Conejo Community Park this afternoon. It's a great way to wind down after a busy weekend. The girls all brought their bikes and grown ups brought lots of food and drinks. The weather was perfect and everybody stayed till around 7:30pm before leaving the park.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Girls at the ranch in Moorpark

We were invited to go to the ranch where our co-worker Carol worked as a ranch manager! It was such a great experience for the girls to see how a ranch looks like. There are lots of horses and Carol showed the girls how to ride the horse and how to give the horse a bath! Both girls had a fun time riding on the back of a huge horse and walk around the rink!

Garage sale!

After a very unsuccessful garage sale on Sunday the 11th, we had another garage sale yesterday. We started at around 7:30am. We are mainly trying to get rid of some electronics and the kids' stuff. Lots of customers came but very few people actually bought stuff from us, I think people mainly wanted to buy very cheap stuff at the garage sales and our electronics are on the expensive side, we still managed to sell a car seat, scooter and some toys. It was getting hot after 9:30am so we closed down at 10:00am. With couple items that we sold during the week on the Craigslist, we have made $179! The girls pocketed $50 a piece, not bad for hosting 2.5 hours of garage sale!

A hot day at Raging Waters

We went with Chen's family on last Saturday to the Raging Waters, San Dimas. It was a very hot day, we arrived there at around 10:00am, parked at a remote parking lot and took the shuttle to the park, we didn't get in until around 10:45am. The place was already packed, we were lucky to be able to find a spot under the tree to set up our gathering place. The girls went wild at the park for the entire day. The only thing bad about Raging Waters was the place was that they let as many people into the park as possible, the park was just way too crowded; for example, thousands people were packed and walking in the Lazy River instead of riding on the floaties, it was horrible! We stayed till around 5:30pm before going to dinner together at U2. It was a very fun day after all!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Our next door neighbor's puppy "Remy"

The girls spent an entire hour playing with our next door neighbor's new puppy named "Remy" after coming home from summer camp!